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Task 1 - Originate, develop and research an idea

Below is my primary research on short films

Below are my 3 ideas for my short film, including a PMI for each one

Focus group

Above is my focus group, as my peers explained they think the third idea, an experimental film set in the forests of Vietnam, would be their prefered choice mostly because of the unique cinematography I plan to have in it



Screen Shot 2019-08-27 at 10.55.14

Chosen Idea

Out of the three main ideas I have done, I've decided to to do the third one (which is unnamed at this point ). The reason I have chosen this idea is because of the possible lighting and cinematography styles I would want to include. The drug usage in the film allows me to show the character's perspective while on this drug.

Another reason I have chosen this idea is that its quite different from other ideas in the school and not many people have done movies like this, nor have many people done movies set during the Vietnam War

Location Scouting

4:38 PM

4:49 PM

4:46 PM

4:51 PM

4:49 PM


4:50 PM


4:52 PM


4:44 PM

Above are the various pictures and videos I took during my outing to look for locations to film. I visited Shui Long Wo campsite in Sai Kung I visited the site from 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM and looked at the available sunlight. Around 5:00 PM, the sun goes down on the west side of the site, the sunlight covers less of the area because of the mountains and treelines surrounding the site, the light is there but it's not as apparent. I will also be filming at Sai Kung waterfront for my last shot because it has good natural lighting and a shallow body of water which will allow me to film. 

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